Tuesday, November 29, 2011

threads break part 2

Round two. Oh, just to let you know, the final four rounds will be the Threads rounds, in case you were wondering.

1- the dimwit- sleater
2- cheap card collecting- sandoval
3- stealing home- strawberry
4- wickedortega- mccutchen
5- arpsmith- morton
6- daddyohoho- league
7- kevin- de los santos


  1. Tough choice but I will go with the Lou Sleater auto.

  2. Sandoval! I've been looking to pick up one of his autos for a while!

  3. Dang that Sandoval would have looked great in my Giants collection, maybe a trade down the road???

    1. Strawberry
    2. McCutcheon
    3. Morton

  4. goin' with the straw (d. strawberry). anybody who throws firecrackers at fans should be in my collection, for sure !

  5. McCutcheon,
    i wanted that Strawberry!!
