I can admit it. I was wrong.
After watching the Yankees take on the Nationals this weekend, I have to say that I was wrong about my judgement of Bryce Harper. The kid has it. He plays like a big leaguer and does what he does pretty well. Then him calling that reporter a clown for his asinine question? Even better.
I think what happened was the Topps Hype Machine (TM) made me entirely sick of the kid before he even stepped onto a Major League field. Topps is adamant about shoving him down our collective throats because it's what the collectors want. Well the ones who sell on eBay do anyway, cause they're the ones making bank off him.
Anywho. I do wish him the best of luck in his career and will try to watch him on chances I get, which will be few due to Nationals games not being televised around here unless they are playing the Mets or the Yankees.
Yes topps gave Bryce (and collectors) the Strasburg treatment. It seems the only people who aren't sick of those guys are us Nationals fans. I really hate the fact that Topps decided to make his 2012 card a super super super short shorter than short short print. And I hate the fact that before it even appeared in anyone's hands the asking price for it was $hundred$ and $hundred$. I am of the school that believes a brand spankin' new card should NOT be sooo damn expensive you can't buy it the first 10 years it is out. The value should slowly increase from a reasonable starting point not start off with record breaking prices only to get higher.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed as well. While I did enjoy his 0 for 7 with 5 Ks, I appreciate how he plays thus far, and hope this attitude sticks.
ReplyDeleteI'm hearing you, C-Kirk. Showing my age but the 1990 Ben McDonald "Error/Rookie" Upper Deck card ran me out of the hobby back then. I was an Orioles set 'completist' and I wasn't about to pay the $75 the card was commanding when it was issued. So I just dropped out. Took me two decades to start back with collecting.
ReplyDeleteTopps loves those short prints. I don't mind the photo variation SPs or the legends SPs but when they do the short print base card of a player they can easily include but don't so you'll buy more packs is BS. Beckett doesn't even consider it a 'true' rookie card of his because of this, so he still as of now doesn't have an absolute 'true' rookie card because none of his cards in a Nats uni have been non-SPs!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I was anti-Harper because of the hype, but also a little because of his reputation. Hopefully he'll mature quickly and handle himself with some class. It doesn't matter how great you are if you treat people like crap.
ReplyDeleteToldya, Ted. Even if Topps are being idiots about him, even if he makes a misstep here and there with people (and it's going to happen, especially with him not having very many tastes of real failure in his life, the way a Major League career will have you fail), the kid is really a joy to watch, even in how he does the little things. Especially in how he does the little things.